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Associated risks of periodontal (gum) disease

Updated: Jun 23, 2022

What is periodontal disease?

At CTL Dental, Many patients that come into our surgery have some form of gum disease. Initially the development of gum disease is caused by poor oral hygiene causing plaque to form on your teeth. Unless regularly cleaned and flossed away, the plaque will harden and cause calculus, which is much more difficult to remove, but this can be done by your dentist.

Symptoms of gum disease

The most common symptoms and signs to watch out for are bleeding gums, tenderness, pain whilst chewing, and swollen gums.

The longer the plaque and tartar remain on your teeth, the more damage it can cause. Ultimately if left untreated this can lead to gingivitis, the mildest form of gum disease, through to inflammation of the gums, and finally to periodontitis (severe gum disease).

The accumulation of tartar can create pockets under the gum line, and cause bone decay, meaning your teeth will come loose and eventually fall out. In addition to that, Severe gum disease can lead to serious health complications elsewhere.

Health issues linked to periodontal disease

Most of us are aware that gum disease isn’t great for your oral health, but what we aren’t aware of is that gum disease can lead to serious health issues elsewhere. In fact according to the chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, DR Nigel Carter, only 1 in 6 of us realise the link between gum disease and stroke and diabetes. Only 1 in 3 of us is aware of the link between gum disease and heart disease

Periodontitis and severe periodontitis can increase your risk of stroke, diabetes, and heart disease. It can even be linked to problems with pregnancy and dementia.

If you are showing any of the above symptoms, are worried about, or feel like there could be an issue, please contact the surgery on 01748 850607 and book in for a check-up.

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